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Signature of a Prophet

Joel 2:28 - "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions"

This requires me to pass the baton.

Passing the baton is the most important part of a relay race, for the simple reason that the race ends if the baton cannot be passed.

Those members who claim to be concerned about “finishing the work” should be concerned about passing the baton, for there can be few things of more importance.

Fortunately, passing the baton is a relatively simple process, requiring only two steps. First, those who will receive the baton must take hold of it. Second, those passing the baton must let go.

The prophet Malachi wrote of a time when “the hearts of the fathers would be turned to the children, and the hearts of children turned to the fathers.” While this was originally fulfilled in the ministry of John.

Proverbs 13:22 reminds us, “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.”  Far too often we think of inheritance only in terms of the wealth we leave behind when we die.

Christians need to take a long-term view, considering future generations.  Life is more than a 100-yard dash; it’s a relay where we pass a legacy to those who follow us, which they, in turn, can pass on to others.  Our role must be to make our ceiling the ground floor for the next generation.   We need to enable our children to take God’s vision to a higher level than we were able to accomplish in our lifetime.

Every Christian has a baton, a spiritual inheritance in Christ, which is worth passing on.  Our baton is the sum of all the lessons, insights, wisdom, counsel, character and spiritual anointing that we have gained.

My mission is to equip future generation in understanding their prophetic anointing, to hear God clearly and to be the voice to their generation. Most of all to leave my Prophetic signature when I'm long gone the legacy continues.

- Prophetess Francina Norman